Protector Angels

Protector Angels
above me, beside me, behind me, in front of me , and below me...encircling me with their loving protection

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sense of accomplishment.....Conclusion of FY10 BBC

Another chapter has concluded....finally. The FY10 BPO Basketball conference has been a great adventure for me, my first major activitiy in the BPO Basketball program since I joined the team in September 2009. Meeting all the players from the different 29 teams as I attend almost all their games, some new acquaintances ... others being old friends and catching up with latest happenings in their's so refreshing.

Despite my heaving a sigh of relief that all our hard work has paid off ( Kudos to the BBC Management Commitee!), I can't help feel that I shall miss the frequent wednesdays and saturdays basketball excitement...the almost sleep deprived days that I stomach turning into knots as I watch my favorite teams battling out with each other and jocking for position for the conference finals and eliminations...

I know I definitely have lessons learned regarding basketball and life, as any highly disciplined sport can give someone if they want to.... team work, communication, respect for opponents, team mates and superiors among other things.

One thing that I can take away from this experience is that sincere and all out cooperation in any activity brings out great results, a lesson not lost on me as I go back to the regular routine of regular working schedules starting today.

Thanks to Coach Jopet and Coach Charles, to Assistant Coach Zsa, The my co-team managers Andie, Corky, Al, Marci, Alma and all the players (Accenture Knights, ex-Accenture Knights and all those who love the sport enough to sacrifice their free time for BBC), to the fans and supporters and to all the Leads and Managers who supported their associates in joining the BPO Community initiative...hats of to the Managers team who not only supported their players but became players in the concluding BBC ALL STARS VS the MANAGERS exhibition game last April 24, 2010.

To me...another chapter has closed...what will happen to that book entitled "My Life" in the succeeding chapters? Let's wait and see... ^_^


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