It's sad to think that this day is not so noticed unlike Christmas. I have nothing against Christmas, one of the happiest days in the year promoting peace and love to all mankind. However, Christmas is just the beginning of what the Lord's mission would be on earth more than 2000 years ago, culminating on HIS sacrifice on the Cross.
The Cross, an execution vehicle for non-Romans during the reign of the Roman Empire which emphasizes on humiliation and torture, previously caused intense pain and shame to the victim and his family/acquaintances (I know of no women who are victims of crucifixions) now becomes a symbol of redemption and the love expressed by the Son of God.
It's hard to see God's hand on this day and age, only man's. Despite the prosperity of today's 21st century, with technological, scientific and financial advances that are felt globally, we still have the scourges humanity has been suffering for ages...sickness, poverty, war, injustice towards the perceived weak of society. I still see a lot of good people trying their best to make the world a better place by being an example to others, but somehow this is just a small drop in an ocean of the selfishness of humanity.
In my own little world, I can relate to those people who try hard to be an example of decency and yet feel the angst of being treated to say the least unfairly. Misinterpreted actions, backstabbing, being laughed in the face or behind one's back..etc. I've had it all. Sometimes in the loneliness of my room, I do cry tears of bitterness and in my pain scream to God and ask " Why me?"
Today, I realize that I am sharing in the bitterness of Christ's passion. He was talked against, misenterpreted, backstabbed, laughed at in the face...He shared our humanity, my humanity...my sufferings both in the body and in the soul. I feel a sense of shame that if THE LORD was able to take all of these hurts and offer them to the FATHER with the words.. "Father, forgive them, they do not know what they do." How can I not?
I know I can never have the strength of character as the SON of GOD, it would be impossible. However, I have His Promise " I am with you, until the END of THE WORLD"... I have to believe this, and the LORD never breaks his promise.
With this in mind, I circle back to the picture I'm posting with my thoughts on this most sacred of HOLY DAYS...I know now and I am reminded everytime that whenever I am alone and hurt, HE IS WITH ME. He is beside me to CARRY ME THROUGH...to hold me and embrace me...assuring me that HE is WITH ME. I do feel a sense of peace after the tears and angst that I share with him when I am on my knees, talking to HIM...sharing with HIM my pain and uncertainty of life.
I still do not know what life will bring me, the materialism in me is telling me that this is no good, but I know that the LORD has plans for me, and I know that when my life unfolds according to God's plan, it will be to GLORIFY his NAME.
In Te Domino confido, non confudar in aeternum.... In thee o Lord, I put my trust, never let me be put into confusion
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