As powerful as they are as God has created them to be, they give their strength in love to God and to us, mankind. That's the key word... SERVE in LOVE... now that is huge...
In Judaism/Old testament, Angels are named "Ma'lakh" or messengers, they have appeared from Abraham to Moses, to Daniel and in the Gospels to Zachariah, Joseph and Mary....and I would think also to the three wise men (the MAGI) showing them the way to the where they can find the Christ Child. These are dedicated servant of God, doing HIS will to the letter and serving the LORD with Love...
I could just imagine as they serve the Lord Jesus throughout his earthly walk for 33 years, aiding him during his public ministry, just to stand by watching HIM being laughed at..then scourged...then spat at ... then finally seeing HIM crucified on the CROSS by being mocked. These powerful beings of light unable to do anything to aid their MASTER but since they know that this extreme of loving sacrifices has to be done, they stand by...silent...but adoring HIM.
I love this picture that I posted, An angel poised to do God's will... his face bowed in front of HIS presence adoring him. The angels has made a great example to us, their little brothers and sisters. For me it's so hard to follow their example, knowing how sometimes stubborn I can be.... I'll still continue to write about angels but for now, just let me give a short introduction about them as this is day is called SABADO de Gloria where the angels stand silent until their duty to open the tomb of the LORD as HE rises from the dead...
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