Protector Angels

Protector Angels
above me, beside me, behind me, in front of me , and below me...encircling me with their loving protection

Friday, November 5, 2010

Onward Up...In Loving Memory of Tito Dario

As the Lacap Clan remembers 40 days after the death of our beloved Tito Dario Lacap...father, grandfather (or popsy), brother, husband, uncle, friend, mentor, prayer warrior, and most of all a loving person...I thank God to have known him.

This picture i took of a boat while the clan made a island hopping tour around Samal Island, Davao..reminds me of souls released from the fetters of their human trappings and flying onward to the SOURCE... the Triune God... and as I write this photo inspired me on how to commemorate this 40th day. Here's to you, Tito meet the MAKER and claim the crown that you have won after fighting the GOOD FIGHT, and finishing the RACE...Do remember us still completing ours here on earth.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Another Year, Another Milestone

Unusually up this morning, while preparing my stuff I realized I still have time to write some of my musings here in my blog before flying off to my daily activities. Yeah, I'm a sucker for birthdays. It's all birthdays that making me fussy warm inside and all good and positive thoughts full of hope and optimism overflow.

Yup, its my birthday today. What to expect this coming year? I don't know. I'm just grateful that I made it this far and I'm given so many chances and opportunities along the way to further improve myself, make new friends and write another chapter in the book entitles "My Life".

Recently, I've been grateful for another chance to further improve in my new role. It's just been two days and yet the excitement since I got the job is still new and it is "AWESOME" I don't dare complain, since HE has been very good to me, my family and to those whom I care for and love.

A toast to another year of opportunities and chances, maybe this is THE YEAR for me "wink wink"

Happy birthday to ME ^_^

Sunday, October 31, 2010

New beginnings....

At last, I can be able to write freely on what is major change that is about to unfold in my life. Thinking of an image that will befit my emotional status is a phoenix rising from the ashes, from my old life I will renew my fire and passion of work ethic in the new role I am embracing. Looking back, I have no regrets of what has transpired throughout my years at work. Lesson are always learned from all the highest highs and the lowest disappointments. I have always been emotionally attached to what role I do and am passionate about the work and the people under my wing and who I have met in each nuances of my previous roles. They say I am onion skinned, it may be true, because I give my all to my work and my people. I cannot deny my humanity and do get hurt and feel betrayed when those whom I care about and defend with all my being turn on you, let you down and leave you hanging dry. It's the worst feeling, more than vinegar and salt on an open wound.
Yes, I may be gullible and easily trusting to those whom I deal with, because I believe in the goodness of everyone. Unfortunately, I almost always get short changed or end up holding the end of the rope. What can be really a bummer are those whom you've learned to trust and expose your true self, only to learn that they are the ones who tell on you. What comes to my mind as I reflect on this one not so pleasant incident in my career is what Alexander the Great's mother Olympias would say..."People are like snakes, they turn on the one of feeds them"
What I just realized now is that all of these challenges would make me stronger, making me ready for the next step.
As I "die" to my old self and old life, to "resurrect" to a new life and renewed passion...the dying phoenix then rising from the ashes being reborn comes to mind. I know I'm moving out of my comfort zone for the past three years, yet I embrace the change...I am ready...Bring it on!
Thank you to those who have been there throughout these years, most of all those who really knew me and yet understood me. Never doubting my potential and believing in my capability in achieving greater things. For hearing me rant and rave, weep and cry, listen to my croaking voice half screaming and choking in anger and my screams of delight and happiness and nodding in approval as you view my now relaxed and serene face, reflective of the peace and anticipation of my new life to come....
I grab that grace of this change with gusto, thanking God for this opportunity. This is just the beginning, People...The Phoenix now rises from it's own ashes....


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Gloria Estefan - Coming out of the Dark (Official Music Video)

This song expresses how I'm feeling inside at the cusp of a life change about to happen in a few days time. Change is always scare and even the brave get afraid, when the change feels right despite the uncertainty then you're guided by the MAKER who loves as all.

Get a MP3 version or video of this song, humm through the lyrics and feel the message I want to impart to you...



Why be afraid if I'm not alone?

Though life is never easy, the rest is unknown
Up to now, for me, it's been hands against stone
Spent each and ev'ry moment
Searching for what to believe

Coming out of the dark
I finally see the light now
And it's shining on me
Coming out of the dark
I know the love that saved me
You're sharing with me

Starting again is part of the plan
And I'll be so much stronger holding your hand
Step by step, I'll make it through; I know I can
It may not make it easier
But I have felt you near all the way

(Repeat chorus)

Forever and ever, I stand on the rock of your love
Forever and ever, I'll stand on the rock
Forever and ever, I stand on the rock of your love
Love is all it takes, no matter what we face

(Repeat chorus, ad lib, and fade)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Patience is A Virtue

Hi Blog,

I miss writing here, right now I don't have much time to gather my thoughts. I have so much to say but perhaps I'll get back to you.

Why I placed this picture??? I feel I need patience right now, I'm getting anxious of what my future brings...more on it soonest...

Until next posting,


Saturday, May 15, 2010 it a crime?

Hi Peeps....

I'm back again, its been "ages" since I wrote here. How I am? Let's say that I'm quite emotionally exhausted that I'm feeling absolutely...nuthin''s like a baby crying its lungs out until there are no more tears to cry and energy to keep up the ruckus, or maybe someone who has been whipped so hard and so long that the pain of the wounds on ones skin grows numb. I think this is the body and spirits mechanism to shutdown in order to survive....yeah... I think this is it.

Why the title?? I must admit I am such a person. I have even placed in my description that I always believe in the goodness of everyone, despite the fact of being the cause of pain, over and over again. Hahaha... When I was in a relationship a few years back, I was a sort of masochist since my other half inflicted the same kind of pain over and over again yet I always took him back over the years...Martyr? yeah... I think so.

Nahhh...this is about relationships but of a different kind. I have been told by my mentor that when will I ever learn that there are people who just aren't mature enough that they cannot be trusted. And right now, its hitting me straight between my eyes...and I have had enough. Yes, forgiveness is there... but I can no longer tolerate having to think of repairing the relationship again. I was so gullible to believe that things may be as before or relationships can be repaired so that there will be no ill feelings and no going back to the past "frictions". Sadly, I feel that the bridges are burning... at least for me.

I am on a verge of making a mind-blowing and life changing decision within this month that may surprise a lot of people but not those who are very close to me and who are aware of the "HELL" that I've been going through all these years. These very dear ones to my heart have agonized with me and unfortunately are helpless since I should be the one to make the decision and own up to it. it a crime? No, but under MY CIRCUMSTANCES, I am pronounces myself... and it is about time for me to change my situation.

Until the next installment...


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sense of accomplishment.....Conclusion of FY10 BBC

Another chapter has concluded....finally. The FY10 BPO Basketball conference has been a great adventure for me, my first major activitiy in the BPO Basketball program since I joined the team in September 2009. Meeting all the players from the different 29 teams as I attend almost all their games, some new acquaintances ... others being old friends and catching up with latest happenings in their's so refreshing.

Despite my heaving a sigh of relief that all our hard work has paid off ( Kudos to the BBC Management Commitee!), I can't help feel that I shall miss the frequent wednesdays and saturdays basketball excitement...the almost sleep deprived days that I stomach turning into knots as I watch my favorite teams battling out with each other and jocking for position for the conference finals and eliminations...

I know I definitely have lessons learned regarding basketball and life, as any highly disciplined sport can give someone if they want to.... team work, communication, respect for opponents, team mates and superiors among other things.

One thing that I can take away from this experience is that sincere and all out cooperation in any activity brings out great results, a lesson not lost on me as I go back to the regular routine of regular working schedules starting today.

Thanks to Coach Jopet and Coach Charles, to Assistant Coach Zsa, The my co-team managers Andie, Corky, Al, Marci, Alma and all the players (Accenture Knights, ex-Accenture Knights and all those who love the sport enough to sacrifice their free time for BBC), to the fans and supporters and to all the Leads and Managers who supported their associates in joining the BPO Community initiative...hats of to the Managers team who not only supported their players but became players in the concluding BBC ALL STARS VS the MANAGERS exhibition game last April 24, 2010.

To me...another chapter has closed...what will happen to that book entitled "My Life" in the succeeding chapters? Let's wait and see... ^_^
