Protector Angels

Protector Angels
above me, beside me, behind me, in front of me , and below me...encircling me with their loving protection

Friday, November 5, 2010

Onward Up...In Loving Memory of Tito Dario

As the Lacap Clan remembers 40 days after the death of our beloved Tito Dario Lacap...father, grandfather (or popsy), brother, husband, uncle, friend, mentor, prayer warrior, and most of all a loving person...I thank God to have known him.

This picture i took of a boat while the clan made a island hopping tour around Samal Island, Davao..reminds me of souls released from the fetters of their human trappings and flying onward to the SOURCE... the Triune God... and as I write this photo inspired me on how to commemorate this 40th day. Here's to you, Tito meet the MAKER and claim the crown that you have won after fighting the GOOD FIGHT, and finishing the RACE...Do remember us still completing ours here on earth.


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